LEO Satellites Observation Program
The Polish Space Agency (POLSA) and the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, agreeing that the team at IAASARS operating Kryoneri Observatory will provide services and assist the operations of the Very Wide Field of View (VWFOV) station, a specialized detector system for LEO Optical Triangulation. This sensor has been developed by Cilium Engineering for observations of objects in Low Earth Orbit using triangulation techniques. A network of four such stations (three in Poland and one in Greece) is currently under development, with the station at Kryoneri Observatory being the first one to be deployed on November 15th, 2021.

Very Wide Field of View (VWFOV) observing station installed at the premises of Kryoneri Observatory in November 2021. The station is part of a LEO Optical Triangulation Network.