KRYONERI Observatory
1.2 m Telescope
A Major Research Infrastructure
Kryoneri Observatory (established in 1972) is located in the district of Corinth in the northern Peloponnese at the top of mount Kyllini, at an altitude of 930m, close to Kryoneri village (37˚ 58′ 19″ North, 22˚ 37′ 07″ East).
Telescope – A 1.2m instrument (prime focus reflector) operated by IAASARS
- Quality – Upgraded mechanical parts, new control system and dome automation
- International Collaborations – ESA has been funding a lunar monitoring program with the Kryoneri telescope since 2015
- Education – An excellent facility for education and astronomy outreach to the general public

Recording of a fireball that likely hit the ground.
In the early hours of February 18, 2024 (03:20 AM) a fireball was captured by four different meteor and fireball tracking cameras.
Public release of the “Flash Detection Software”.
We are pleased to announce the public release of the "Flash Detection Software", which was developed by the National Observatory of Athens for ESA. We invite both amateur or professional astronomers performing planetary observations with video cameras or fast-frame CMOS/CCDs to test it.
The Institute of Astronomy Astrophysics Space Applications & Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens operates Helmos observatory, which was selected as the first Optical Ground Station under the ScyLight framework. Project HOTSPOT ( aims to identify all possible activities that can be carried out at Helmos observatory in Greece concerning optical, quantum, and deep space communications.
Latest Publications
“Our effort to upgrade the Kryoneri Observatory has a twofold goal: On the one hand to bring the public of the wider area and especially children and students close to the science of Astronomy and on the other hand to lay the foundations for new development policies related to the so-called scientific tourism”